Weinand Financial is dedicated
to providing comprehensive financial planning services to individuals, families and businesses. With over 30 years of experience, our team is committed to offering tailored solutions, ensuring a secure financial future. This space is where we share insights into our approach, values, and the personalized guidance that we offer. It is an opportunity for you to understand how we can truly make
a difference in your financial planning journey and in your future.
At Weinand Financial, we understand the importance of maintaining your ongoing trust. That is why we offer an expert guidance and comprehensive approach to analysis for both individual and business clients.
We provides a variety of solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals. With your best interest as our priority, we are fully committed to helping you achieve success.

Financial Planning
Investment Planning
Long & Short Term Retirement
Cash Flow/Net Worth Analysis
Pension Review (Private & Public)
IRA & Roth IRA Accounts
Retirement Plan Services
College Fund Accounts
Mutual Fund Accounts
Individual Stock Accounts
401(k) Set-Up, Services, Plan Design, Assistance and Plan Education
403(b) Set-Up, Services, Plan Design, Assistance and Plan Education
Simple IRA
Long Term Care
BECOME A CLIENT and start building your future NOW!
At Weinand Financial we value the privacy of our clients. It's important to have a safe and secure environment when discussing sensitive financial matters. We retain the complete cybersecurity services of one the world's most advanced information technology security companies. You can have confidence in knowing your financial information is highly secure.
Providing the necessary documents ahead of time is a smart way to ensure that the meeting is productive and efficient. Please allow 2 hours for the first meeting. This allows us sufficient amount of time to get to know you and discuss your needs and goals, as well as answer any questions you may have.
Documents we request you provide, prior to your first appointment:
Your most recent tax return
Your most recent paystub(s)
All Investment Statements
Insurance Information
Mortgage Statement
PERS, TRS, Deferred Comp. statements
Social Security - estimate of benefits
Dedication. Experience. Passion.